Vis in Practice 2017 Panel
- Steven M. Drucker, Microsoft Research
- Adam Perer, IBM Research
- Daniela Oelke, Siemens
- Melanie Tory, Tableau Research
- Krist Wongsuphasawat, Twitter
- Justin Talbot, Tableau Research
The Vis in Practice panel is part of the IEEE VIS 2017 main program and provides visualization researchers and practictioners with the chance to hear from leaders in the field.
This year our panelists will discuss how visualization research impacts industry. The panelists have deep and diverse experience applying ideas from the research domain to visualization problems and products within industry. The panelists will provide their perspectives on questions such as:
What visualization papers or threads of research have had particular impact on your industry?
When developing new features or systems, to what extent do you turn to existing research to inform your decisions?
What types of papers are most relevant to your work? What makes a paper more or less applicable?
Are there general visualization questions that are of critical interest to your company that are not currently being addressed by the research community?
Visualization researchers will come away better prepared to do research that will impact the direction of the visualization industry.
Visualization practitioners will better understand how to productively apply visualization research to their day-to-day work.